Top notch Hooch

Top notch hooch

OK so I enjoy ethanol in its finer forms and I enjoy telling people why they should enjoy it as well. Today we will be looking at one of the finest whiskeys i have ever had the pleasure to be in the same room as. The booze in question is I.C Shore whiskey from the Prince Edward Island Distillery. The distillery is better known for its award winning vodka then its limited run of barrel aged non filtered whiskey. Well lets dig in shale we.

nice bottle

How does it look ? Very nice bottle the attention to detail in packaging is fantastic a wooden topped cork old school looking bottle. Hand numbered as Bottle number thirteen of what i am told is eighty bottle batches per cask. Each bottle is labelled with its alcohol content at bottling and varies slightly. This bottle was 41% at time of bottling. The colour of the whisky is a lovely light amber gold almost blond like Jayne Mansfield’s hair in her early days. Lighter in colour then i normal enjoy in a whisky but lets not let that spoil the tasting.

Lovely shade of amber. sorry for the amount in the bottle I'm an over zelous taster .

What is its taste, toungue and smell ? It has a very subtle oaky aroma. The tongue of it is a lightly viscous fluid almost reminiscent of its colour The taste is above par in the quality department it is by far one of the finest whiskys i have tasted both warm and cold. It is smooth and delivers the oakyness of the smell with an even more subtle woody after taste with mild pungency .

If i were to witness the world ending this would be my beverage of choice to sip while bearing witness……. so long as i was not busy causing it.

Dok Rogers

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